
Blackwood Progress Association Inc.


About: Blackwood Progress Association Inc.

Progress aims to serve as a forum for discussing community concerns and interests, while prioritising the protection and rehabilitation of Blackwood’s natural environment. It seeks to foster economic development in a manner that preserves the community’s unique identity and respects residents' lifestyle choices. Efforts are focused on improving and developing valuable community assets through various fundraising activities, including appeals, donations, and events.

Progress also supports and collaborates with other local groups and sporting organisations, especially those providing services for children. Progress also strives to maintain a strong, cooperative relationship with the Moorabool Council to ensure local input in government decisions affecting the community. Progress also coordinates and organises work and working bees for various projects as determined by its members.

Progress also Organises the Annual Blackwood Easter Carnival that has been the largest Blackwood event for the last 122 years (as of 2024)

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President: Angelko (FISH) Juresko
Email: blackwoodprogress@gmail.com
PH: 0425722613


We still need you!

We still need you!
We still need your help, please come along to the Blackwood Post Office Thursday 3rd October at 5pm-6pm.

Jpin us in the information session and see where you can lend a hand to support the Easter Carnival.

Free coffee and cake

Published: 24th Sep 2024 - Article Viewed 5 Times

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Blackwood Woodchop and Easter carnival – Cancelled

If you don’t like the heading, then YOU CAN do something about it! Blackwood progress committee as it currently stands is not organizing the carnival next year. We thank all the volunteers that help on the day but the core volunteer committee team have been over worked and are taking a step back this year with the hope of some fresh community members to take over running Blackwoods largest community event. Current members will of course guide and assist.

Trentham Spudfest has 19 people organizing the event. I am looking for a similar number of people. I currently have 9 people who have committed to help organize the event. Over recent years the event has been organized by Progress which consists of 6 – 7 people. Too few. I am looking for a team of around 20 to organize next years carnival. With a number like this everyone’s workload would be less, and team members would get a manageable job to do. So, if you have questions or ideas on some aspect of the carnival then contact me and join the team.
If you believe that it is a great event and would like to see it continue contact me to help keep the carnival going. If you join your commitment would start late this year and go through to Easter. You would need to complete a specific job in organizing something, and you would either need to attend team meetings or send a status report on how you are progressing. Perhaps 30 – 40 hours over 4 months. TO ENSURE CONTINUATION OF THE BLACKWOOD WOODCHOP AND EASTER CARNIVAL PLEASE CONTACT ME, ANGELKO (FISH) JURESKO. My contact details are; (M) 0425722613 (Email) angelkoj@gmail.com ANY assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Published: 3th Aug 2024 - Article Viewed 326 Times

Whats your big idea?

Hey, what's your big idea? Have you got a great idea about something you would like to see happen around town? Are you part of a community group or sporting club that needs a little bit of help? Or an individual with a great idea?
Blackwood Progress wants to hear from you.
Send your ideas to blackwoodprogress@gmail.com Please have your ideas in by the 23rd June.

Published: 1st Jun 2024 - Article Viewed 348 Times

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