
Blackwood Cricket Club


About: Blackwood Cricket Club

The home of the Blackwood Eagles started way back in the 1870s. Stopped and started a few times over the years and has now been going since 1990.
Many players have come and gone over the years with not many long term players.
We are a struggling side but a good bunch of people that enjoy having a good time and what we think is the best cricket ground in the state!
New members are always welcome, kids cricket will happen again and anyone 14 and over will make up the senior team.

Here is some interesting history on the Cricket ground.

The area where the Blackwood Sports Ground now stands was originally the Chinese market gardens, and in 1889 they sold the land to the Blackwood Cricket Club, and this land became a recreation reserve.


Excerpt Recreation Reserve Trust Meeting held - 1908. A meeting of the Recreation Reserve Trust was held on Wednesday last. Present - M.T. Vigor (chairman); M.M.J. Croker (Hon Sec), Messrs H.H.Cann, H.H.Terrill. The contract price for forming a bicycle track, £12, Mr W. Croker, was passed for payment, and tenders are called for removing and re-erecting the cottage purchased by the Trust for a dressing room. Tenders returnable on Wednesday next.
This cottage purchased by the Trust for a dressing room was originally the home of Billy Pincombe, and sold after his death to be pulled down and the timber used for the Blackwood Cricket Club dressing room.

This building was later washed away in 1909 when the Simmons Reef Reservoir embankment burst, and an immense lot of damage was done; no fewer than five big bridges being swept away. The cricket pavilion, containing three rooms, the dressing room erected in 1908 at the bottom end of the ground, and all other buildings, disappeared at one blow right down the river.
Blackwood Cricket
Historical information provided by Margot Hitchcock, Historian Blackwood & District Historical Society

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President: Brian Suters
Email: blackwoodcricketclub@gmail.com
PH: 0428686680


A playground at the Oval

A playground at the Oval

Ok everybody, we are chasing a grant from moorabool shire for a playground at the oval... and we will need help in fundraising etc... any ideas would be much appreciated.. Crown are sending a letter off to DEECA for approval and we have until the end of the month for the application. Please reach out on blackwoodcricketclub@gmail.com

Published: 21th Aug 2024 - Article Viewed 102 Times

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