
Blackwood Marketplace Fair

By Karen B


This marketplace fair will have stalls of new and old items, as well as some antiques. Fine China diner sets and trios, collectables, plants, furniture, vintage clothing, a bake sale of local cakes, trash and treasure, tools, rustalia, and every odd and end you can imagine.
It is a trash and treasure style but so much more with so much to see on the many stalls booked for the event. Under the boughs of 100+year old trees, you can enjoy the beautiful grounds that are often part of the Victoria Open Garden Scheme and wander through the market stalls.
Have a rest and enjoy a Devonshire Tea, locally made of course and delicious. The grand final will be on the outside TV for those who want to barrack. Footy colours encouraged.

Dates: September 28th and 29th 9:00am - 4:00pm
Check on Facebook for more details by clickign Here

Photo: Karen and the towns favorite border collie Rani

Published: Mon/08/2024 - Article Viewed 88 Times

About: Karen B

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