
Blackwoods Biggest Tree

By Ray C


The Monterey Pine ( Pinus Radiata) at the Blackwood Recreation Reserve ( sports ground ) Is believed to have been planted sometime before 1899.
We have an old photo from this time that shows the pine already quite large . The tree was planted with others around the boundary of the cricket ground with some of these still surviving to this day.
Obviously none of the others reached the massive proportions of this pine surely a case of location, location, location!
It is without doubt the largest in Australia. Recently measured with a girth of 10.4 mts and a height of approx 60 mts it is believed to be the largest on the planet !!

Published: Wed/07/2024 - Article Viewed 509 Times

About: Ray C

Ray is a Blackwood local of many year, he is often seen down at the Histroical Society, the Cemetary or the Blackwood Cricket grounds volenteering his time for the town he loves. He is the Man behind identifying Blackwoods record breaking Monteray Pine.

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