
Blackwood Local accommodation Business's

The Blackwood BnB Collection



When looking for something different in terms of short term accommodation, look no further than the Blackwood BnB Collection. Karen Bermingham manages this collection of houses, cottages and rooms that are available as bed and breakfast accommodation. Some of these BnBs are not listed anywhere else so it truly is a unique collection. Karen has a detailed knowledge of the properties and will match

The Blackwood BnB Collection

Blackwood Caravan Park



Spacious powered caravan and tent sites suitable for all shapes and sizes in a peaceful easily accessible setting.

All powered sites are located in our caravan park and only a short walk to the river and our unpowered river sites. Potable water on each site and bathroom amenities and camp kitchen aged and established to quaint perfection.
There's lots to do and see, so relax and p

Blackwood Caravan Park

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Blackwood Post Office
Local arborist
Local arborist
Food By Lu
Food By Lu
The Blackwood Hat Shoppe
The Blackwood Hat Shoppe
Blackwood Hotel
Blackwood Hotel


Gold Stamper
Gold Stamper
Mineral Springs
Mineral Springs
Shaws Lake
Shaws Lake
Blackwood Cemetery
Blackwood Cemetery
Australias largest Monterey Pine
Australias largest Monterey Pine