
Blackwood & District Historical Society


About: Blackwood & District Historical Society

The historical society supports and encourages the preservation of the history of Blackwood and the surroundings including Barrys Reef and Greenhills. We are a friendly group of volunteers that meet officially once a month at our home base, we however meet much more often to explore the area, discuss history and search out relics of the past of this amazing township. Blackwood came of age in the gold rush beginning in 1855 where the population at one point reached an amazing 13,000 individuals with many hotels, stores, gold workings and hopeful prospectors living it rough. Blackwood now has approximately 300 permanent residents and is a favourite spot for tourists if you are visiting on one of our open days we would love to share with you stories, photos and relics of the past.

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President: Mark Devenish
Email: team@blackwoodhistoricalsociety.com.au
PH: 0400898173


Blackwood Historical Society Open 26th September

Blackwood Historical Society Open 26th September
If you're in town on the weekend of the AFL grand final you're in luck, the Histroical Society will be open! 
In addition to The Blackwood Market Fair we will have a special open day from 9:00am-11:00am with all donations to goto the Blackwood Cricket Club in support of building a Children's playground.

Come and take a look at the museum and help support a great community initiative.

Pictured is President Mark as we added some extra mulch, raked the leaves and sticks and did some weeding.

Published: 23th Sep 2024 - Article Viewed 4 Times

Older Updates

Upcoming Monthly Meeting and Open Day

Upcoming Monthly Meeting and Open Day

Come and explore Blackwoods historical museam and examine the artifacts on display.  In this photo you can see a set of Chinese Pottery that was found in Blackwood at one of the ruins.   Open this Saturday from 10:00am 

AddressCorner Martin St and, Warner St, Blackwood VIC 3458

Published: 2nd Sep 2024 - Article Viewed 46 Times

Our new model

Our new model
Fantastic day at the Historical Society today. We started setting up an amazing Mining town model that was gifted to us ( detailed story on that to come ). Here we see Mark ( President ) and Ray ( Vice President ). Make sure to pop in next month as this is truely a great new addition!

Published: 3th Aug 2024 - Article Viewed 243 Times

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