
Blackwood Bocce


About: Blackwood Bocce

The Blackwood Petanque Group meets at 10.00am each Sunday at The Blackwood Oval for about 5 years. It is a group that is as much about keeping active and having fun as it is about competition! A message to remind and prepare players is sent out each Saturday afternoon.

We like to keep active and have fun whilst enjoying some good natured competition. The great advantage of this game is that it is not too physically demanding so it suits most people.

We have a regular core group of about 8-10 people and have had many visitors over the years. After the game we gather at the Post Office Cafe for a coffee and have a pleasant catch up.

Everyone is welcome to come and have a try!


Stephanie Kondos
Email: sskondos14@gmail.com
PH: 0432406814


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